
  • L. Tong, M.-A. Goulet, D.P. Tabor, E.F. Kerr, D. De Porcellinis, E.M. Fell, A. Aspuru-Guzik, R.G. Gordon, M.J. Aziz, Molecular Engineering of an Alkaline Naphthoquinone Flow Battery, ACS Energy Lett. 4 (2019) 1880–1887.

  • D.P. Tabor, R. Gómez-Bombarelli, L. Tong, R.G. Gordon, M.J. Aziz, A. Aspuru-Guzik, Mapping the frontiers of quinone stability in aqueous media: implications for organic aqueous redox flow batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A. 7 (2019) 12833–12841.

  • M. Park, E.S. Beh, E.M. Fell, Y. Jing, E.F. Kerr, D.D. Porcellinis, M.-A. Goulet, J. Ryu, A.A. Wong, R.G. Gordon, J. Cho, M.J. Aziz, A High Voltage Aqueous Zinc–Organic Hybrid Flow Battery, Advanced Energy Materials. 9 (2019) 1900694.

  • Y. Ji, M.-A. Goulet, D.A. Pollack, D.G. Kwabi, S. Jin, D.D. Porcellinis, E.F. Kerr, R.G. Gordon, M.J. Aziz, A Phosphonate-Functionalized Quinone Redox Flow Battery at Near-Neutral pH with Record Capacity Retention Rate, Advanced Energy Materials. 9 (2019) 1900039.

  • M.-A. Goulet, L. Tong, D.A. Pollack, D.P. Tabor, S.A. Odom, A. Aspuru-Guzik, E.E. Kwan, R.G. Gordon, M.J. Aziz, Extending the Lifetime of Organic Flow Batteries via Redox State Management, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141 (2019) 8014–8019.

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  • D.P. Tabor, R. Gómez-Bombarelli, L. Tong, R.G. Gordon, M.J. Aziz, A. Aspuru-Guzik, Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Stability Limits of Quinones in Aqueous Media: Implications for Organic Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries, [Preprint, ChemRxiv]. (2018).

  • D.G. Kwabi, K. Lin, Y. Ji, E.F. Kerr, M.-A. Goulet, D.D. Porcellinis, D.P. Tabor, D.A. Pollack, A. Aspuru-Guzik, R.G. Gordon, M.J. Aziz, Alkaline Quinone Flow Battery with Long Lifetime at pH 12, Joule. 2 (2018) 1894–1906.

  • D. Hoffmeyer, J. Hjelm, Electrochemical impedance of an alkaline organic flow battery, in: Book of Conference Papers of the International Flow Battery Forum (IFBF 2018), 2018.

  • M.-A. Goulet, M.J. Aziz, Flow Battery Molecular Reactant Stability Determined by Symmetric Cell Cycling Methods, J. Electrochem. Soc. 165 (2018) A1466–A1477.